Thursday, 23 November 2017

My Food Writing


If you want to eat healthy you need to eat 10g or under of sugar and fat, but for sodium (also known as salt), you can have up to 400mg. A good way to remember this is: 10 10 400. Or
another way to remember that is that the number 400 starts with 4 and SALT is a four letter word.

Salt, Sugar and Fat are big worries if you want to stay healthy. But when you want to stay healthy, lentils are a good thing to buy! Lentils have 31mg of Sodium (Salt), 0.og of Sugar and 0.3g of Fat! Two other things that are in lentils are carbohydrates and dietary fibre. (You need to buy lentils if you want to see the amounts of carbohydrates and dietary fibre in lentils)

When we saw Harold the Giraffe last term we learnt about foods and also the food pyramid. In the food pyramid there are three categories, LOTS, SOME and LITTLE. For LOTS, it has fruit and vegetables, beans and bread, and some other stuff. In SOME it has dairy products like milk, eggs, yoghurt and cheese. In SOME there are also protein foods like meat and fish, for example.
Last of all, in LOTS there are foods like coke, candy-floss, lollies and cookies and chips.


Wednesday, 8 November 2017



On Sunday, the 12th of November, it's the Frankley school carnival day. For the carnival all the classrooms make art. This year we got to choose out of 4 items, Symmography, making a bag,T-shirts or Painting on a canvas. I chose to make the bag. I really enjoyed using TWO different sewing machines to put the bag together and cutting up the material for it. I got to screen print on the bag and I also wanted to hand sew some things on, and hot glue some things on too. I liked making the bag and I love the result for it too. HERE IS A PICTURE OF MY RESULT DOWN BELOW...

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Kids4kids performance

Kids4Kids Choir

On Wednesday some schools like Frankley, Egmont village etc, went to the TSB stadium and sung songs with Nathan King for the audience. The money that the audience paid to get in went to the poor people that don't live in New Zealand, helping them buy food and water. I was really nervous singing at first but overall I enjoyed it. All of the kids got given a wristband that says world vision on it. I really liked the wonky Donkey, listening to the narrator, looking at the narrator 
putting and taking things off the fuzzy felt board that had a picture of a Donkey.
It Was fun going to the concert and performing.

Monday, 23 October 2017

My Teacher Thinks I'm...

My Teachers think I’m listening, but really I am… At Moana pool in Dunedin with Mum, frightfully jumping off the diving board.

My Teachers think I’m reading, but really I am… At Kmart, in Wellington, creating a colouring in based on stars, with Dad .

My Teachers think I’m working, but really I am… Lost in the magical world of books, having fun with all the book characters I like.

My Teachers think I’m writing, but really I am… on an aeroplane as an unaccompanied minor, having fun with Ruby, Alison and my second cousin, sucking on aeroplane candy!

My Teachers think I’m doing maths, but really I am… At the reserve bank, getting given a lollipop and some old shaving of money, that is worth $100!

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

MY GROUP HAVE FINALLY FINISHED OUR WIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MY GROUP HAVE FINALLY FINISHED WIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My wit group have finally finished our with for Te Puawai, I'm very happy because it took a long time for us to finish. By the way, if you don't know what my group, Greer, Lucia and I did we made Pokemon cards, our name for the cards are called Buggymon and we also have a symbol that Greer made. We chose to do pokemon cards because we thought it would be fun to do and it would be a nice way to teach the class about them. At the start of wit we interviewed four students from Te Puawai, two girls and two boys. We asked them about Pokemon cards and the girls were okay with it but the boys were shouting YES YES YES... So we made them. What I thought about my group was, Greer was good, I was good but Lucia was a tiny bit off task and she didn't make many at ALL! 

Proving my Goal - How many tens?

Monday, 4 September 2017

Despereaux Book

Our class are reading two books, Wonder and Despereaux, I chose Despereaux. We are learning lots of new vocabulary, and the meaning of them. The chapter that we are up to so far is called, 'A View From A Chandalier'. In case you don't know what chandalier means, it means, a large, decorative hanging light  with branches for light bulbs or candles. Sometimes you can have a ornate chandalier. Ornate means, elaborately or highly decorated. Here is a picture of a chandalier...
impex-flemish-9-light-candle-antique-brass-chandelier-BF00350-6_3-AB.jpg (2048×2048)

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Limerick Poem

Last week our class made a limerick each, this is my one. By the way, this is made up if you don't already know that, line 1,2 and 5 need to rhyme and have 8 or 9 syllables, while 3 and 4 need to rhyme and have 5 or 6 syllables. Here is my Limerick I made... 

Once there was a nasty little rat,
Who liked being a very big brat,
He searched in the pantry, 
Before seeing Nancy,
And that was the end of that rat.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Invertebrate Writing

This is my invertebrate writing. It took me ages to make. I hope you like it!