Tuesday 29 November 2016

My Second Wit


  1. what a mysterious start to your video-are there interesting plants and animals in the bush where you are standing with your friend-do you have your expedition snack in your bag? shall have a squizz tomorrow to see if the problem with the video is fixed- we are excited at what is to come.

  2. Nice work Greer, Kayla and Rebecca! I'm super glad that you really don't behave that way with rubbish Rebecca! Wonderful reminder to respect our environment.

  3. Now we know what you and your chums were up to - just think of the effects of litter on animals and plants not only on the land but in waterways also- did the rest of your class do a similar project? good on Mrs Parks and all of you for educating folk to keep new zealand clean-even tourists would be disappointed if they saw some of the litter in some enviroments so keep on encouraging everyone to clean up and take garbage=waste=trash home to compost or recycle
