Wednesday 6 July 2016

Calendar Art

Easy Blog Photo
Today at school I made calendar art. This is it! The loveheart is about me, the Zentangle is my name and I have a photo of me at the playground. Hope you like it


  1. It's beautiful Rebecca. Lovely photo of you too, very cool heart! Nice work :))

  2. very well constructed and the heart has very nice neat inserts perhaps you might do one for us
    grannygrandad greenfield

  3. Looks great. Looks like GrannyGrandad might like one of these too...
    Dad :-)

  4. that is really cool. I really liked the colors you used for your heart.Sage

  5. I love your calendar art, Rebecca. I especially like the yellow you used for your background.

  6. Cool calendar art Rebecca. I like your zentangle on your words. I think your parents would love it. I also like your tagul about yourself. I enjoyed creating my calendar too. What other types of art do you like doing?
